- Niggeloh's typical cross ribbed design allows you to hold this leash comfortably and securely
- New edge-reinforced strap technique protects your hand from abrasive burns
- "TRAIL ULTRA " is water resistant, durable, stays clean and endures your worst wear conditions
- Measures 12m long and 20mm wide, ultralight
- Yellow-red blaze (crossed ribs) with woven reflective stripes
- The leather stopper warns you of the end of the lead within 1 m
TRAIL ULTRA Niggeloh research lead
SKU: 1817 00001
No possibility of return.
Delivery times and price variation (exchange rate) are applicable since the item is ordered directly from the European supplier.
Le prix est sujet à changer en fonction des coûts d'approvisionnement. Si vous acceptez l'achat, cela inclut automatiquement l'acceptation de ces conditions.